Six Risks That Can Derail Your Retirement

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Author: Dawson Wills

To have good retirement years, you need to cultivate a good saving and investment habits. While saving may not last you the entire period, investment in stock, bonds, and property will a long way. 

There are also other factors that may affect your retirement and derail your journey, I will be educating you on them in this article.

  •  Inflation Rate

When they are getting ready for anything, a lot of people forget to take into consideration this hidden danger. Considering the fact that the yearly inflation rate has been averaging 3.3% for the last 21 years. Your buying power may be worth less now than it was. It is impossible to determine how long your retirement savings will last simply by adding up your yearly living expenses. You can divide that total by the total amount you have saved, and then calculate how long your assets will last.

  •  Tax

There has been a significant amount of debate on the reduction of tax rates and the simplification of tax law. This may happen in the not-too-distant future, but in the meanwhile, think about this; is there any possibility that tax rates will reduce in the years to come? 

The national debt now stands at close to $25 trillion, and sooner or later, action will be taken to deal with it.

Some people don’t put taxes into consideration when developing a retirement plan, however, it must be considered

  •  Debt 

Even though having significant credit card balances, mortgages, auto loans, college loans, and co-signing on loans for relatives and friends who may fail can be disastrous in retirement, many people in their 60s and 70s still have significant balances on their credit cards, mortgages, auto loans, and college loans. Since your income will probably fall after you retire, if you just pay the bare minimum on your credit card each month, it will take you far longer to pay it off.

  •  Market Fluctuations

Bull markets don’t continue forever. Even though they had pensions, our grandparents continued to live a modest lifestyle, save a significant amount of money, and invest it prudently. The majority of seniors in today’s society do not get pensions. Since interest rates have been so low for such an extended period, many investors feel driven to abandon more conservative investment techniques instead of investing more in the stock market. However, suppose the market has a correction or a steep loss, your retirement savings might be significantly reduced, and your future living standard could be doubtless.

  • Longevity

Retirement may take longer than you expect, as no one knows how long they’ll live. Rising life expectancies may force some individuals to retire longer than they worked. Consider these: One in three 65-year-olds will reach 90, and one in seven will get 95. One spouse in a couple has a 50/50 chance of reaching 90. 

Retirees may worry about running out of money and burdening families if they live longer than intended. So keep adjusting your retirement budget over time. Financial counselors and tax experts can help you plan for retirement. 

  •  Health care 

The cost of both prescription and over-the-counter medications might put a dent in your savings account. The expenses associated with long-term care can potentially bankrupt the business, leaving the surviving spouse with a significantly reduced standard of living. And there are things that you may not even be thinking about, such as Medicare supplement premiums, medical co-pays, and dental care, which can be more costly as you age.


Retirement is paramount especially if you work harder in your younger years. Nevertheless, you should plan efficiently and consider essential factors and circumstances that may arise during your retirement years. 

The information in this article should help you with a better retirement plan. 

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