Free and Discounted Items and Services on Amazon Store

You can get stuff on Amazon for free by following these steps.

by contentwriter

Author: Edeh Kelechi

Did you know that if you don’t shop on Amazon regularly or have an Amazon Prime subscription, you can still get free items?

Amazon has a lot of free products you can take advantage of. However, to receive free items from the world’s largest store, you must own an account with them. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to access free goods and services!

How To Get Free Items On Amazon

There are a few ways to get free items at Amazon. Among them are the following:

Write Reviews

Writing reviews on Amazon is one way to earn free items. Luckily, you don’t have to be a professional reviewer or critic to submit reviews on this platform. To benefit from your review writing, Amazon has programs that reward reviews. Among these programs are:

Amazon Vine Program

The Amazon vine program is one way to get free items from Amazon by submitting reviews. Amazon launched this program for customers who enjoy writing reviews, and for businesses looking for unbiased feedback on new or upcoming items. 

How Amazon Vine Program Works

Amazon sends specific products to reviewers so that they may provide feedback. However, participation in the program is limited to those that are invited. This implies that before you can join this program, you must be formally, invited.

Amazon Early Reviewer Program

The early reviewer program is another option to receive free items by reviewing items. Unlike the vine program, which invites individuals to evaluate new items, the early review program encourages consumers who have previously purchased items to provide honest and unbiased feedback on the items they purchased. Furthermore, Amazon gives gift vouchers to early reviewers in exchange for their feedback.

Join Facebook Groups

You can get free and discounted items on Amazon by joining Facebook groups. There are a lot of public and private groups on Facebook that provide tips on how to get free and discounted items on Amazon. It’s always advisable to tread carefully.

Download Free Application

You can get free apps from Amazon. There are currently thousands of apps that you can download for free on Amazon. These range from game apps to classic applications.

Amazon Prime Student Program

If you are a student, you can sign up for a free trial on Amazon prime. All you have to do is create an account using your student email address, and you stand a chance to receive free deliveries, access to free movies, TV shows, and exclusive college discounts.

Browse Specific Amazon’ Sections

Aside from writing reviews, you may find free items by browsing specific sections of their website. Retailers provide freebies such as e-books, audiobooks, cloud storage, and music.


There are several ways to acquire free items from Amazon asides from writing reviews. But as a professional reviewer or a newcomer, you stand a higher chance of getting free items compare to regular reviewers. Amazon created these review programs for users to provide honest opinions to help its other consumers make healthy purchasing decisions.

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