A Helpful Guide on How To Stay Focused On Your Goals With An Unsupportive Family

Helpful Guide: How To Stay Focused On Your Goals With An Unsupportive Family

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 Author: Jona Walsh

Having an unsupportive family is devastating because they are meant to support you unconditionally. Regardless, not all goals are acceptable to family members.

While the support of your family is matchless to others, you need to be tough and remain focused on your goals. Even to your family, you are only the one that knows what is best for you. 

Do not Seek Approval

It is only natural to crave support and approval in doing things. However, if you are dealing with an unsupportive family, it is better not to seek validation because it means you are giving away your firmness to decide on your own. 

At times, you might just get hurt by their disapproval. You need to limit what you share with unsupportive family members to avoid negative effects on your self-confidence and motivation. Let the results speak for your success. 

Be Firm with your Goals

Being firm while working on your goals will make you focus on achieving them. No harsh comment can make you feel less confident when you are firm and tough on working on your goals. At the same time, taking action towards your goals can help you connect with the right people who can support you and encourage you to make the right decision. Do not stop, especially if your goals are attainable with hard work and passion. 

Let go of Expectations

If you are fully aware that your family is unsupportive of your goals, it is more helpful to let go of any expectations you expect from them. That way, you can focus your attention on things that are important to you. After all, expectations only bring disappointments. 

The sooner you understand that you must not depend on others, the better. Stay glued to your goals and purpose. 

Set Boundaries and Stick to them

When goals are involved, you need to set boundaries so your family won’t discourage you. Having strict boundaries and sticking with them will prevent offending any side. Although they might feel like a cold wall, boundaries are meant to protect you and your goals. 

While anyone feels entitled to speak their opinions, you must not let them get into you, especially the negative ones. You might experience trouble if you let your family make the ultimate decision for you. 

Build your Support System

If you have an unsupportive family, you can build yours. Part of your helpful support system can be your friends, mentors, and other people you know that can help you. 

Don’t hesitate to build your support system because a lack of support from your family can push you over the edge.

Even though you must be tough and firm on your own, having a support system can have significant changes. They make celebrating wins more memorable and experiencing tough times more bearable.  

Final Thoughts

While having an unsupportive family is disheartening, you must know that you can still work on your goals without support. It might be harder, but you can be powerful if you focus on your goals. Regardless of negativity and negative words from loved ones, don’t be wary. Rather, consider them as parts of life challenges. 

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