Your Smartphone Is Dirtier Than Your Toilet: Here’s How To Clean It.

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Author: Brighton Hood

Admit it or not, many people seem to be glued to their smartphones to the point that it is almost a heart attack if they suddenly feel that they have lost it. 

Smartphones are the most common companion and part of everyday routine. 

Based on a survey, some people check their smartphones about 80 times a day and 40 hours a week, adding to the risks of getting microorganisms and germs on them. 

When compared to toilet seats, a survey even revealed the shocking discovery that smartphones are seven times dirtier. 

Despite the appearance and the use, toilet seats are far cleaner compared to smartphones. That is proven in an experiment by taking swab samples from smartphones and toilet seats. Those smartphones clad in leather cases harbored the most bacteria, while those in easier-to-clean plastic cases have been found to have six times more germs than toilet seats. 


Surely, that’s a disgusting result of a study, given how people treat toilet seats. 

The warning about taking the smartphone inside the bathroom becomes a more powerful caution as it is proven to become more filthy. 

Using the smartphone anywhere can cause health risks since it becomes a breeding ground for germs and a cesspool of microorganisms and bacteria. Therefore, keeping your smartphone clean is a critical matter. 

Discovering “Mobile Germ Devices”

It is understandable if you still wonder how your smartphone is disgustingly filthy. 

Truth be told, we have ourselves to blame since we touch a lot of things and surfaces without cleaning our hands before touching our smartphones again. 


Germs and bacteria get into your smartphone, and if you rarely clean it, you can be subjected to health issues in the long run because there are inevitable instances where you put your hands on your face, mouth, and eyes. 

If you are not being careful, not only will you make yourself sick, but also your loved ones. 

The study also revealed people working in the food service industry get the most contamination on their hands. They get all the contamination from touching surfaces. Literally picking the bacteria from day-to-day activities. 

Worst, coughing into the smartphone can do much more damage as the viruses can live longer and be transferred. Thankfully, you can make your smartphone cleaner and safer. 

The Solution to Filthy Smartphones

When it comes to cleaning smartphones, using a microfiber cloth with a little water can be enough. Also, using toilet soap to get rid of dirt, bacteria, germs, and viruses is fine, given that the instances require it. 


Generally, the cleaning items you might need include a microfiber cloth, isopropyl rubbing alcohol, water, cotton swabs, and cleaning gloves. 

  • Waterproof phones

If you have a waterproof phone, you can clean it by making your solution by combining distilled water and rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. Rubbing alcohol is ideal since it can quickly sanitize and evaporate. All you need to do is to spray the solution outside the device and wipe it using clean cotton swabs. Of course, you need to ensure that your hands are clean before doing the job. 

  • Non-waterproof phones

With a non-waterproof phone, the solution of distilled water and rubbing alcohol is still ideal. But, it should not be sprayed to avoid any damage. The best thing to do is carefully wipe off the screen and the back of your device. 

  • All smartphones 

If you are worried about using any disinfectant or solution, you can consider using a “PhoneSoap” that uses UV light. This can kill up to 99.9 percent of the germs. it comes with a little price to pay, but if it can save you from severe health issues, there’s no need for an excuse. 

Final Thoughts 

Even though germs and viruses are not visible to the naked eye, you must be careful handling your smartphone as it can attract and house dirt more than imaginable. Generally, it is best to sanitize it daily and at least twice a day.


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