Comcast TV and Internet Bills are Going up (again)

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Author: David Phineas

It isn’t good news for Comcast subscribers, as the cable industry behemoth is raising its rates once more. Comcast TV service will experience significant hikes in small-print charges that won’t be disclosed while large-print charges for broadband will see a lower increase. This is a shift consumers have previously experienced, most notably in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Comcast hasn’t provided precise numbers for the increased fees. However, last week Journalist Philip Swann who reports about the video industry for the TV Answer Man website provided numbers for a select market. 

As an illustration, he provided a link copy of a letter Comcast delivered to the Board of Selectmen in Sandown, NH. The letter revealed the increase in monthly television fees from $24.95 to $27.25 while the regional sports fee went from $11.85 to $12.

Why is Comcast increasing Internet broadband and cable tariffs?

If you are like most people, you must be wondering why Comcast is raising its rates again. To explain it, Moyer mentioned they need to invest in the broadband network to deliver the best and most dependable internet services.


However, he didn’t explain why broadband consumers weren’t also affected.

Comcast Chief Financial Officer Michael Cavanaugh encouraged various theories to the company’s most recent quarterly results call. He claimed the company will focus on increasing revenue per broadband subscriber given that there aren’t big gains in new subscriptions registered by customers.

AT&T, Charter’s Spectrum also hike rates

It’s not just Comcast; other cable providers are also increasing their prices. AT&T announced the increased monthly cost of its broadband package by $5 in October. In May, AT&T also increased costs by $3 per month.

This means that if you have any of these providers or have considered getting one, you could be facing higher bills soon. Many cable companies cite the rising cost of equipment and programming as reasons for their rate hikes. But, whatever their reasoning is, it can still be a bummer when it comes time to pay the bill.


Some regions are more affected by TV and internet bill inflation

The rate of inflation is considerably worse in some regions as customers in Taunton, Mass saw their television license rates soar from $18.65 to $26 per month. The higher charges imposed by TV providers for two well-liked types of channels: regional and local sports are reflected in both the broadcast and sports fees. Television shows and sports are the major causes of consumer bill hikes, stated Jenni Gatta, Comcast spokeswoman.

Consumers accept interest rate hikes

You’re probably well aware that interest rates on your Comcast bill have been gradually rising over the past several years. 

Yet, it seems like consumers are still accepting these hikes without holding their TV and internet providers accountable.

It’s worth noting that many people are willing to pay a bit more for the reliability of Comcast’s products and services, which is a testament to their commitment to quality.


Plus, while the rate increases can seem noticeable, they tend to be moderate enough that they don’t lead to an unreasonable cost burden. Instead, customers can expect to see their bills increase slightly each year. This allows them to budget ahead of time, as well as make necessary adjustments to optimize their spending.

Ultimately, while price hikes on Comcast bills aren’t ideal, they should be expected at this point. As long as customers are aware and prepared for potential changes in cost over time, most will likely find themselves continuing to enjoy the services Comcast provides.


The reality is that rates for Comcast TV and internet service are going up again, and there’s not much you can do about it. However, there are a few things you can keep in mind to help minimize the impact on your wallet.

Remember that you can always shop around for a better deal. There are plenty of other providers out there, and it’s always worth checking to see if you can get a better deal. Finally, keep an eye on your usage and try to cut back where you can. Every little bit helps, and it can make a big difference on your bill.


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